About me 💭

Nice to meet you! I'm Piotr. I'm a guy from Poland who likes tech things (mainly dev, less so hardware), music and public transport. I studied at Warsaw University of Technology, my major was Telecommunications with specialty "Radiocommunications and multimedia techniques". Since then, I've been employed as a backend developer, full-stack developer and (currently) a DevOps engineer.

I'm a very unorganised person overall, my head is full of a thousand ideas, I often start a dozen of them only to then finish a single one. However, I just really enjoying trying out new things and learning something new along the way. Very often I get very interested in a single topic, invest a lot of time and effort into investigating it and then move on to whatever the new cool thing for me is.

This website I hope will be able to serve as a kind of a personal blog for documenting cool (hopefully!) things I create. However, in the spirit of the old internet, I decided to forgo the obvious route of starting a "proper" blog and made a plain static website, much akin to the old Geocities pages. As such, this website is hosted on Neocities - thanks!

Please feel free to look around and find something from me that you just may find interesting!

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me when i'm in 8bitpix